Friday 3 June 2011

Forty Interesting notes about Wheatgrass Juice

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Wheatgrass Juice and Growing Kits - Basic Growing Information

Here in Angelic Ambience we have a Wheatgrass Shop and sell everything you need to grow your own wheatgrass for juicing. Our aim is to enable you to do this as economically as possible. One of these days we will eventually get round to writing about why Wheatgrass Juice is such an important part of what we are about here. When you buy a starter kit or juicer we will alway give you detailed advice on growing and juicing your wheatgrass and will also provide follow-up advice if necessary.

Brocolli Sprouts may help tame H. pylori bacteria, linked to stomach ulcers and even cancer

The following information relates to research conducted by John Hopkins University in the US into the benefits eating brocolli sprouts to tame or even reverse the effects of H.pylori bacteria. Read more

The surprising origin of stomach cancer

This is another interesting article about the possible link between H.pylori and stomach cancer.  Professor Robert Souhami, of Cancer Research UK, said: "Helicobacter is known to be associated with cancer in humans so this very original and unexpected finding gives us a new insight into how gastric cancer might originate."
"This was an unexpected finding, which may lead to a re-evaluation of current assumptions about how all cancers originate." Professor Timothy Wang

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